Sentrip(Vinix)是韓國CLPharm生產,該公司在口溶片領域有超過十年的經驗,擁有自己的專利生產線。CLPharm是一家韓國的創新型企業認證公司,得到韓國的知識資產之星認證,同時也獲得ISO9001和ISO 14001認證。CLPharm成功的將微血管吸收有效藥物吸收方案融入口溶片技術,讓所生產產品達到更佳療效和穩定的品質。Sentrip通過韓國KFDA認證、韓國藥物安全認證及韓國GMP認證,且獲專利保護,相比其它偉哥產品更具競爭力。因此成為眾多男性朋友追愛的韓國犀利士!
韓國犀利士 Sentrip速勃口溶片該藥物輕薄如紙,狀若口香糖,無需經胃液吸收,只需輕含在口,片刻即會溶解,通過舌頭毛細血管吸收。所以Sentrip更加方便服用和攜帶,且見效比一般偉哥產品更快,其時效高達48小時,相比一般偉哥產品4-8小時藥效更具優勢。韓國犀利士 Sentrip速勃口溶片 口溶型他達拉非
成分&含量 他達拉非 Tadalafil 20mg 適用 適用勃起功能障礙的治療
在性刺激的前提下, 對勃起功能障礙的治療是有效的.產品信息 Sentrip,來自南韓Clpharm的犀利士, 全球首款採用ODF(口腔速溶片)技術PDE5制藥.Sentrip由韓國發明,擁有特殊的劑型,特殊領先配方,具有國際專利。採用口溶膜,可以不用喝水,直接放在舌頭上面就可以溶化吸收。
保質期限 從生產日期起36個月 Manufacturer & Seller 韓國CL制藥有限公司 口溶片,含在口裡3-5秒即溶化吸收!
一盒10片 Sentrip Orodispersible Film Tadalafil 20mg
Package: Box, 10 sachet (1 strip/sachet)
Main ingredients: Tadalafil 20 mg
Main effects: Treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED)
Origin: Republic of Korea
SENTRIP ODF (orodispersible film) Tadalafil 20mg
Composition: Tadalafil 20mg
Description: Yellow, rectangular orodispersible film.
Indication: Treatment of erectile dysfunction
Storage: Store in an airtight container at room temperature (1∼30℃)Dossage Form: Sentrip Orodispersible film 20mg:a yellow rectangle oral solublefilm
Efficacy and effects: In order for tadalafil to be effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Sexual stimulation is required.
Dosage and Administration
Recommended to consume the product by melting it on tongue without food or liquid, prior to anticipated sexual activity. It may be taken at least 30 minutes prior to sexual activity.
The maximum dossage per day is one strip, it is not recommended to consume everyday as the effects able to last more than a day.
The long-term safety is not yet determined after the extended every day regimen,Packing: Individual pouch packing(1strip/1pouch), 1box(10pouch)
Shelf Life: 36months (3years) from manufactured date.
Origin: Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Manufactured by: C.L.Pharm Co.,Ltd
SENTRIP ORAL STRIPS-Pouch edition (Tadalafil)
CIALIS Tadalafil 20mg
Film type that melts in the mouth within 3 second is “CIALIS”.
With 1 hour before sexual intercourse only dissolve under the tongue, convenient and no water needed!Sentrip oral strips-Pouch (tadalafil 20mg)
Sentrip pouch edition (tadalafil 20mg)is, ED which Eli Lilly has developed (erectile dysfunction) treatment “Cialis will be the generics” (generic drugs)
Component "Cialis is almost identical to” the Sentrip pouch edition (tadalafil 20mg)is because it is generic drugs of “Cialis”, contains a Cialis with the same component and effect, but there are side effect, and because Sentrip pouch edition (tadalafil 20mg)is is generic drugs of “Cialis”, the price also will be cheaper.
Features of Sentrip oral strips_pouch (tadalafil 20mg)
Sentrip pouch edition (tadalafil 20mg) is a “Cialis” in film form that melts in less than three seconds. It is convenient and no water needed in case of emergency, can be taking in 1 hour before sexual intercourse by only dissolve under the tongue. One effect but there is individual difference, the effect able to last for about 36 hours.
☑ Cialis, which melts in the mouth in less than 3 seconds!
☑ In film form, convenient and no water needed!
☑ The effect lasting about 36 hours per intake!
☑ Cheaper price compared to Cialis!
☑ Anywhere drink is useful when a pinch!
Treatment of erectile dysfunction (patient who can not have enough erection and maintain that to make a satisfactory sexual intercourse)
How to consume
- Please take 1 strip 1 hour before sexual activity.
- Please wait more than 24 hours for following intake.
Please take with empty stomach
Please avoid taking after meals and alcohol.
Effect is reduced by half.