【產品規格】:6mg/支 每盒/12支
Silver Fox Aphrodisiac Powder being a intercause Aphrodisiac is one of the best well known types used for love Enhancement and helping to improve Arousal and to Increase LOVE Drive in Women still to this very day. It is highly regulated and manufactured under safe and secure hygienic conditions within pharmaceutical laboratories.
The secret formula of Silver Fox Aphrodisiac Power is made from a strong estruses induction factor "HS" with extracts taken from pure and natural estruses animals and plants. Silver fox Improves and increases love 2stamina while relaxing the mind and stimulating the body with strong love desires.
1. To increase women passion, love drive and love pleasure.
2. Boost a woman’s love desire and enhancement along with increased love drive
3. To help women achieve a stronger, better and more explosive orgasm
4. Improves and Increases love Stamina
5. Increases Arousal
6. Vaginal lubrication, Narrowed Vaginal Muscles
7. Increased Clitoral Sensitivity
8. Orgasm becomes stronger and better with possible Multi Orgasms
1. Feel More Relaxed
2. Face appears flushed and with slight redness
3. Feeling Hot
4. Sweating in Women with signs of love Arousal
5. More of a Rapid Heartbeat
6. Your Breathing gets Deeper
7. Your Body has stronger feelings of love Desire
8. Men will have possible Stronger Erections.
Take orally 5ml, 20 - 30 minutes before sexual activity. Can be mixed with any drink such as Wine, Coffee, Tea, and Alcohol etc. For best effects use in low-alcoholic drinks or soft drink (not soda drinks)
1 Box contains 5ml Liquid Sachet with 12 sticks
Keep in a dry cool place and out of any sunlight.
Not recommended for people with neurological disorders: depression, mania etc..
Or anyone takes prescription medications that may conflict with these drops. If in any doubt, please check with your own doctor.
銀狐迷情粉採用多種泰國的名貴動植物運用泰國最新科技技術配製而成的無色無味水溶粉劑,針對女性性生活冷淡、反映遲鈍、房事陰道乾澀等症狀有特效。泰國極品銀狐粉為粉狀可迅速溶於任何酒水以及飲料中而且不易發現。 對女性催情、誘情效果極佳,服用泰國極品銀狐粉後可使女性5分鐘後產生令自己難以忍受的春情、 放心動蕩、顏面緋紅、慾火如潮般的感覺充滿全身、令女性慾罷不能、呼吸急促、急需做愛。
僅用於情侶夫妻合法性愛調情,嚴禁非法用途 本商品僅用於夫妻間娛樂和性泠淡使用,不得用於不法用途!