美国进口Maxman II (60粒装)
Disclaimer: The results of using this product may vary from person to person
We recommend that you start with 1 bottle of MAXMAN II to see and feel its effects. If you are satisfied, proceed to purchase more before your supply runs out.
Who Should Use MAXMAN II?
1. Any man who is dissatisfied with their size.
2. Any man who wishes to improve on their sexual stamina
3. Any man who wishes to bring true orgasm to their partner(s)
4. Any man who wants to be the man of every woman’s dreams
1. MAXMAN II shall not be used by any man below the age of 18 so as not to disrupt the normal puberty growth .
2. MAXMAN II will not work on men taking medication for high blood pressure, anti-inflammatory or heart illnesses. If you are on regular medication, please check with your doctor if the prescribed medication contains any ingredients to tackle blood pressure, inflammatory or heart issues.
Important Notes:
MAXMAN II is made up of 100% natural herbs and it is highly unlikely for side effects to occur
Maxman Capsule II (MMC II); Penis Enlargement Naturally
Maxman 2 capsules are a safe, effective and all-natural method of penis enlargement. By causing increased bloodflow to the tissue of the erectile chambers, your penis will be able to achieve its full natural size. This product contains no hormones, has no side-effects and is completely safe for use. Maxman 2 capsules are made from high quality herbs, which work to increase blood flow to the penis, causing the erecticle chambers to expand and produce a larger and thicker erect penis.
Maxman 2 (MMC II) Ingredients:
Ingredients |
Content |
* |
Ingredients |
Content |
* |
Epimedium Saggitatum |
200mg |
N/A |
Avena Sateva |
300mg |
N/A |
Saw Palmetto |
250mg |
100mg |
Guarana Extract |
400mg |
N/A |
L-Taurine |
200mg |
N/A |
Ginseng Blend |
125mg |
* |
Tribulus Terrestris |
50mg |
N/A |
Maca |
350mg |
N/A |
L-Arginine |
520mg |
N/A |
Niacin |
10mg |
N/A |
Macuna Pruriens |
30mg |
N/A |
Polypodium Vulgare |
20mg |
N/A |
Rhodiola Rosea |
10mg |
N/A |
Androstenedione |
100mg |
N/A |
Maxman 2 (MMC II) Fuctions:
Increase penis length by up to 36%
Increase penis width by up to 25%
Achieve stiffer erections
Improve appearance of penis
Experience more powerful orgasms
Increase sexual stamina and endurance
How do Maxman 2 capsules work?
Maxman 2 capsules enlarge the penis by increasing blood-flow to the organ; there will be an increase of 80-200ml of blood to the penis when erect.
When the male sexual arousal, the brain or spinal nerve convey the message of erection, the “transmission factor erectile” effect to the penis cavity sponge, causing the arteries dilate, blood pressure, about two one hundred milliliters of blood into the penis cavity sponge, the further pressure to the vein, resulting in difficulties in the blood return to a sustained erection.Penis erection cavity filled with blood from the three sponge composed of three cavernous cavity exercised the function of penile erectile tissue, while the corpus spongiosum penis head and provide for the erection size, penis as a pair of provides a hardness of erection.Blood filled cavity in the penile corpus cavernosum erectile tissue, swollen after absorbing water like a sponge the same principle.Intracavernous penile cavity can accommodate blood volume determines the size of an erection. Therefore, Maxman 2 ™ cavernous blood by increasing the capacity of the cavity, you can achieve increased penis size.
These award-winning pills are the result of over three years of research, undergoing extensive testing and trials to make sure they are of the highest quality and effectiveness. You can safely and naturally increase your penis length with no tough exercises, painful penis pumps or dangerous surgeries.
Maxman 2 is the most advanced male enhancement product on the market. You will no longer need to imagine how your sex life would be if you had a bigger penis. Increase your confidence in the bedroom safely and effectively. We offer you a full guarantee that Maxman 2 capsules will work for you!
在经过严格的试验与广泛的测试之后,Capacity Marketing Ltd.US公司开发了100% 校准含量,含量微差将小于0.01%的天然,强效的阴茎增大胶囊MaxmanCapsulesⅡ,将保持Maxman第一代的优良品性,达到以下效果:
如果您能拥有更大的阴茎(大于6.5英寸),不仅能增长您作为男人的自豪与自信,您的性能力也将会得到更大的改进。更长的阴茎能使你能够冲击女性深处更敏感的区域,达到你作为小男人所从未触及过的神经末稍,探索令她魂牵梦萦的"G 点",将她送上尖叫与销魂的颠峰,她挣扎在的边缘,第一次在她的性生活中,体现多重性高潮。这一切将是MaxmanCapsulesⅡ能使用做到的!同时,MaxmanCapsulesⅡ也能使你感受更大面积的性接触,得到更饱满殷实的插入感,在忘情失控的呻吟中享受更紧贴更舒畅的推送!让你觉得往日的生活是多么地平淡和不堪。MaxmanCapsulesⅡ 系统增长阴茎的同时,对性功能也达到长远稳定性的改善作用,延长房事时间及勃起之后的力度和硬度,精力更加旺盛,有效防止早泄,是面向二十一世纪,不可多得的男性保健圣品。
据调查显示,女性比男性更关心阴茎的大小。女性在视觉的潜意识中,更倾向于发现更粗壮,更结实的肌肉和更粗大更结实的阴茎,在视觉刺激的试验中,这两项的的敏感指数是遥遥领先的。根据我们对10000 名女性的调查中,4/5的女性真实地回答说她们十分关心男性阴茎的大小,10000女性中有超过8000 名希望她们的伴侣的阴茎能更大。通过我们引用的调查数据与对大量妇女的调查采访以及大量的相关阴茎大小的文章,您就会发现阴茎的大小在性生活中起到至关重要的作用与影响,它会影响到你与你的伴侣在性生活中的快感与信心。而这一点, MaxmanCapsulesⅡ能为你圆满解决!
当男性性兴奋时,大脑或脊椎神经中枢传达勃起的讯息, 将“勃起传导素”作用至阴茎空腔海绵体, 引起动脉扩张, 血压上升, 约两百毫升的血液进入阴茎空腔海绵体内, 进而压迫到静脉, 使血液回流困难因而造成了持续的勃起。阴茎在勃起时由三个充满血液的空腔海绵体组成,这三个海绵体空腔行使了阴茎勃起组织的功能,而阴茎头和尿道海绵体为勃起提供了体积,一对阴茎海绵体为勃起提供了硬度。
1. 全美最大的用品公司隆重出品
Capacity Marketing Ltd.US公司成立於1925年,主要從事性保健用品的研制,開發和出售世界各國優質生物保健品,除了MMC之外,最出名的產品是Vigra。經過80 年的發展,已經成為全美三大用品公司之壹,擁有壹般用品公司無可比擬的科研設備和技術人才,所生產的產品在國際泛圍內均受到好評,被認為是值得信賴和合作夥伴。在美國曾創下“1000日無投訴”的記錄,品質卓越,信譽良好,是最值得信賴的夥伴。
美國國家臨床實驗室標準委員會(National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, NCCLS)是由全美知名的科學家構成委員,實驗措施苛刻,檢驗過程嚴格,是認證食品,藥品,保健品等產品安全的權威機構。該委員會每年公布的實驗室建立,檢測,測試結果果慘考值等,為世界各國所廣泛引用,是各國實驗室差異產生時的最權威的仲裁依據。MMC早於1988年已通過了該委員會的認證,高品質質量,安全有效。
MMC 的研制者和生產者多年來壹直秉承著科技造福人類的理想,從研制MMC的項目啟動的壹開始,就強調“天然,無副作用”為產品的根本,並把這個理念壹直貫撤到產品的生產中去,嚴格實行生產標準,認真聽取顧客的意見反饋。當MMC進入中國市場銷售時,已經在美國風行了十多年,通過了美國國家實驗室標準委員會的認證,經過了上百萬人的使用驗證,已經是壹個相當成熟的性保健產品,保證是全本草的,天然的,無副作用的。目前為止,在同類產品中,還沒有壹種能夠超越 MMC。4.針對亞洲人體質設計最佳成分比例
MAXMAN(MMC) 獨有的配方,經科學精心調配,每壹粒的MAXMAN(MMC)都能有效增加生殖器的血流量,增加生殖器的體積,使生殖器更長、更強壯、更堅挺,同時能增進性欲,預防不舉和早泄,增加持久力和增加妳的自信心。MAXMAN(MMC)為迎合不同人仕的需要,所以推出多種不同的包裝,同時由於不同國家對藥物的管制有異,藥物的成份也有少許的差異,但MAXMAN(MMC)保證所有產品的功效壹致。我們出售的包裝為HMAXMAN(MMC)(國際安全配方),為 MAXMAN(MMC) 的國際出口裝,全草本的安全配方,主要針對亞洲人體質進行精心設計,是壹個非常安全而有效的男性增強補充品。
第壹代產品在全球範圍內獲得巨大成功之後,Capacity Marketing公司致力於MAXMAN第二代產品的開發研制,集多位醫學界精英,集多項全新科技,耗時三年,終於獲得成功!
由於MMC第壹代積累下的良好口碑,MMC2誕生之初,就受到了大眾的矚目,無數的咨詢,定購電話打到Capacity Marketing公司,曾因過度繁忙造成長達數小時的線阻塞。在歐美男士間掀起壹股強烈的風暴。現在,這股強勁的風暴吹到亞洲大六,以和種勝利者的姿態,開始了它造福男士的另壹個征程。
MAXMAN2秉承了第壹代的優良傳統,在第壹代的基礎上加以改良,采用最尖端技術和合理更精確的有效的成分配方,比第壹代產品更易吸收,這用人群更廣,提高性能力更迅速, 療效更高,再次成為最暢銷的男性保健品,在全球掀起購買狂潮。
MaxmManCapsule 間稱MAXMAN(MMC)系列美國強效增強膠囊 由美國 Capacity Marketing公司集多位醫學界精英研制,全天然草本的男性強效增強膠囊,高效性,無副作用,每瓶MAXMAN(MMC)美國強效增強膠囊都經過嚴格的核對和測試。MAXMAN(MMC)系列美國強效增強膠囊是美國Capacity Marketing Ltd.繼Viagra 後的另壹個男仕增強產品,MAXMAN(MMC)系列美國強效增強膠囊能夠有效地提升男性的強度,MMC2比第壹代產品更易吸收,這用人群更廣,提高性能力更迅速,療效更高,它獨特的草藥配方可以增加血液的回流,釋放人體儲存的男性荷爾蒙,激活身體天然荷爾蒙制造,提供增長必須的營養,增加擴大海綿體,增加血液容量,促使繼續的增長。
【商品名稱】:美國MAXMAN2壯陽補腎膠囊 陰莖增大藥丸
10-30天:本產品開始工作陽痿早洩等癥狀消失,性愛明顯增強,性快 感增強,性愛時間延長。
60-90天:436頻率明顯,性 能力達到高峰值。
美國MAXMAN,是從瑪卡、刺五加、黃精、西洋慘等等十多種高山野生純中藥植物中提取的mmc生殖器細胞活力素,其獨含的性腺激活酶,和人體 自身分泌的性腺激活酶,成分完全相同,保證安全,療效確切。性腺激活酶,能有效激活人體三大性腺:前列腺、精囊腺、睪丸體。服用後,性中樞神經細胞體積擴 張,器官微血管活性達六成,海綿體分裂系數達七成。值得重視的是,生殖器細胞體積擴張,意味著男性能力提高。控制能力驚人,隨心所欲。而性腺激活酶滋養、 清洗前列腺體,排除毒素,縮小腺體,尿頻尿急逐漸消失。對整個性中樞系統的滋養,更會讓妳精力充沛、像年輕的小夥子壹洋,夫妻生活非常和諧!最為重要的 是,在補充性腺激活酶後,人體自身的性腺,就會恢復正常分泌,即使停用美國MAXMAN,也能持久保持男性功能正常,壹次選擇,壹生受益。
Maxman Capsules II
Maxman Capsules II, MMC Male Formula, enlarge your penis in width 36% and length 25%, last as long as you want without drugs, stronger and harder erections.
Maxman Capsules II Fuctions:
● Enlarge your penis in WIDTH 36% and LENGTH 25%.
● Stronger and harder erections
● Achieve rock hard erections any time you want.
● Form a truly "muscular" looking penis that will IMPRESS and AROUSE your lover.
● More powerful orgasms.
● Increased sexual stamina
● Achieve more powerful thrusting ability.
● Last as Long as you want without drugs.
● Safe and natural penis enlargement.
How does Maxman Capsules II work?
Maxman Capsules II penis enlargement formula is designed to stimulate the growth of erectile fissue,allowing more blood to be held in your penis thus giving stronger,longer and thicker erections.
The carefully calibrated blend of herbal ingredients and MMC foundation will also unleash stored testoster-one and heighten sensation by activating the body's natural hormone production and supplying vital nutrients necessary for peak sexual performance.
Does Maxman Capsules II really work?
Yes,We tell you it really useful! Penis like a startling natural hydraulic machinery, erection and physiological responses subsided, the performance of an organ in a certain capacity for the next showing of the inflow and outflow of blood dynamics.
According to the size of the penis, There will be approximately 80-200 ml increase in blood volume when you erect than usual.
When the male sexual arousal, the brain or spinal nerve convey the message of erection, the "transmission factor erectile" effect to the penis cavity sponge, causing the arteries dilate blood pressure, about two per one hundred milliliters of blood into the penis cavity sponge, the further pressure to the vein, resulting in difficulties in the blood return to a sustained erection.
Penis erection cavity filled with blood from the three sponge composed of three cavernous cavity exercised the function of penile erectile tissue, while the corpus spongiosum penis head and provide for the erection size, penis as a pair of provides a hardness of erection.
Blood filled cavity in the penile corpus cavernosum erectile tissue, swollen after absorbing water like a sponge the same principle.Intracavernous penile cavity can accommodate blood volume determines the size of an erection.
Therefore, Maxman Capsules II cavernous blood by increasing the capacity of the cavity, you can achieve increased penis size.