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Ram 10 ml 發情公羊 提高兴奋度 激发情欲

Ram 10 ml 發情公羊 提高兴奋度 激发情欲


  • 商品货号:ECS005313
  • 上架时间:2017-09-27
  • 本店售价:马币RM180
    用户评价: comment rank 5
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“嗅式”情爱芳香剂 发情公羊


从1970年开始制造,挟着千万瓶以上的销售实力,每天仍然有30万同志使用这瓶催动人类无限情欲的芳香剂,原创的经典配方,内含   Power Pak Pellet小香球,点燃激烈、狂野的内心渴望。经典的味道,刺激的感觉,整晚和喜欢的人享受。


发情公羊—畅销的品牌之一。享欲二十多年的强烈配方-RAM,加入Power-Pak Pellet小香球,不仅更能保持新鲜与纯度,而且效果更强烈、更震撼,让欲望的循环在脑中疯狂的运算,放射饥渴的脉冲电流,驱动原始放浪的肉体需求,只有被填满才能够满足。








【类 别】 同志性爱催情用品
【成 份】 天然稀有植物香料,挥发性亚硝酸盐等
【性 状】 透明液体,零下10度不结冰,遇空气高挥发
【规 格】 10ml ,标注9毫升,允许误差在1毫升范围内
【贮 藏】 常温下放置在阴凉处即可,夏天需要放冰箱冷藏保存或者放在乐扣乐扣里面
【包 装】 玻璃瓶子密闭包装,单瓶无原装外纸盒(原装18瓶一纸盒装)
【有效期】零下15度10年;8度2年 ;20度1年。由于该品属高挥发性所以都是当月生产,无存货。按照国际惯例,所有的Poppers都不标示生产日期
【产 地】 美国
【介 绍】
1.Poppers 强力催情剂——嗅一嗅,10秒内立刻激发男人的激情和春意,血脉喷张




a. 增强快感和兴奋,大大提高性生活的质量
b. 放松肛部,这点对0号来说特有用,容易插入和避免受伤

Rush Poppers使用方法十分简单,先用力摇下瓶子,在做爱时,用手将一只鼻孔堵住,然后把Rush Poppers放到另只鼻孔慢慢的闻10秒,然后重复以上动作数次(注意不要把液体吸到鼻孔里面去了),约10秒立刻起效。接着你会感到自己头晕晕的,心跳加速,脸红红的,效果来了!0号同志闻了之后肛门立即放松,再大的进入时也不再疼痛,这个时候当1操0时0会万分爽,那种感觉0今生难忘,可以重复N次高潮,做完还想要做。1号同志闻了立即变猛,不停想射,整晚都猛,兴奋,很多次都没问题!










What are poppers?
Poppers are usually found in the form of a liquid chemical sold in a small bottle. They are a group of chemicals called alkyl nitrites. Specific alkyl nitrites include butyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and amyl nitrite. They dilate the blood vessels and allow more blood to get to the heart.

The key effects of poppers can include:
● A short, sharp head-rush like 'high'.
● Enhanced sexual experiences.
● Chemical burns with the development of a rash around the nose and mouth, and/or irritation of the nose and throat.
● Feelings of sickness, faintness and weakness.
● Death – if swallowed; or if used by individuals with heart problems.

What are the effects of poppers?
Poppers have a range of effects:
● They give a head-rush 'high' that lasts a couple of minutes.
● They have been reported to have short-lived effects on sexual experience, specifically that they may make an orgasm feel like it lasts longer; may make an erection feel stronger (although some men have trouble getting an erection after sniffing poppers); and may make it easier for some people to have anal sex by helping to relax the anal sphincter muscles.
● They can leave some people feeling sick or faint with poor co-ordination.

Here’s what poppers can do to you.
● They can cause your blood pressure to drop to a dangerous level. So, you shouldn’t take them if you have problems with your blood pressure, are on any blood pressure medication, or if you are taking Viagra.
● You can die due to injury to red blood cells and reduced oxygen supply to vital organs.
● You may lose consciousness and could die through choking on your vomit. Using poppers with alcohol can increase this risk.
● Poppers are linked with risky sexual behaviour and may lead to catching a sexually transmitted disease.
● They can burn your skin on contact and can kill you if you swallow them.
● They're highly flammable.
● They can cause nausea, headache, and disorientation. Poppers are usually sniffed from the bottle. Some people prefer to dip a cigarette into the popper bottle and inhale rather than sniff straight from the bottle.
● Fatal ‘sudden sniffing death syndrome’ has been reported due to development of an abnormal heart rhythm when taking poppers.
● There are a number of reports in recent years of cases of temporary and permanent loss of vision in users of poppers. This problem is referred to as ‘poppers maculopathy’. If you are experiencing problems with your eyesight after having used poppers, we would strongly advise you get medical advice

Mixing with alcohol
Mixing poppers with alcohol can increase the risk of reducing the oxygen supply to vital organs, unconsciousness and death





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